Εργο Σπίρτζη:
24 εθνικής σημασίας κερδοφόρα δημόσια αεροδρόμια πούλησε ο Τσίπρας στο ιδιαίτερα επιθετικό εχθρικό προς...
εμάς Γερμανικό κράτος!24 εθνικής σημασίας κερδοφόρα δημόσια αεροδρόμια πούλησε ο Τσίπρας στο ιδιαίτερα επιθετικό εχθρικό προς...
Privatization is actually where national leaders are offered 10% commissions to their secret Swiss bank accounts in exchange for them trimming a few billion dollars off the sale price of national assets. Bribery and corruption, pure and simple.
Professor Joseph Stiglitz,
former Chief Economist of the World Bank
former Chairman of President Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers
Professor Joseph Stiglitz,
former Chief Economist of the World Bank
former Chairman of President Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers